Intellectual Property
Trademark Law
Trademark is now recognised as intangible asset that is as defining as brands. Trademark management has to be linked to domain names management.
Me-Haas Law firm is very attached to trademark law management; it treats with care to all issues concerning the exploitation and use of trademark over time.
Trademark protection
- Availability searches
- Trademark registration in France and abroad
- Protection and exploitation strategies for trademarks
- Trademark registration and management
- Trademark notification to Google
- Trademarks portfolio management
Trademark exploitation
- Contracts
- Actions for ensuring use of a trademark
Trademark monitoring
- Registration of trademarks
- Web
- Social networks
- Adwords
- E-commerce sites
- Custom
Litigation and cybersquatting
- Trademark opposition procedures, procedures on a national and international level
- Custom procedures
- Pre litigation and litigation in France and abroad
- Anti-counterfeiting actions
- Negotiation and drafting agreements
- Alternative dispute resolution procedures in trademarks disputes
- Mediation
- Auditing the genuine use of a trademark
- Auditing trademarks portfolios