With over fifteen years experience in working with the Internet, Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS developed her expertise within this field and over the years has published numerous articles on domain names, trademarks and the Internet.
She published comments on the first French Courts’ decisions on domain names and has continued to do so ever since. She speaks at conferences and gives training courses on Intellectual Property and Digital Law.
- Since 2014: she updates once every 2 years « Défendre sa marque » published by La Revue Fiduciaire.
- Since 2012: creation and update of the practical guide N°1194 « Gérer et protéger efficacement marques et noms de domaine » published by the LexisNexis Group on the website www.lexis360entreprises.fr
- Since 2009: annual comment of French case law on domain names and trademarks on the internet in the Law review Propriété Industrielle
- From 2007 to 2013: publication of a monthly alert on .eu litigation, in Industrial Property magazine
- In 2004: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS published an article about the first decision on keywords « La Bourse des vols » in Legipresse (n°208, January/February 2004, pp 13)
- She is a regular contributor in numerous articles in reference publications (Le Journal du net, groupe RF, Propriété Industrielle edited by Lexis Nexis, Proprété Intellectuelle edited by IRPI (Intellectual Property Research Institute) …) as well as professional magazines (L’Usine nouvelle, Expertises…) either on line or in publications such as, for example, an article on the origins of the UDRP procedure, published on www.domainesinfo.fr in 2009 or another entitled « New TLD’s: a threat or an opportunity? » about new TLD’s, published in 2011 on www.country-index.com, edited by the German company S.M.D Markeur
- April 1998: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS published « La jurisprudence française sur les conflits entre noms de domaine et marques » (French jurisprudence in domain name and trademark disputes), the first ever article that summarised the situation at the time concerning domain names (Gazette du Palais, Gazette du droit des technologies avancées, 19-21 April 1998 pp.30)
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine et des marques sur Internet », article written under the direction of Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS with Jérôme TASSI and Dune GERIN, published in Propriété industrielle, No. 6 of June 2023, annual comment based on the analysis of 35 decisions rendered in 2022. The first comment was published in 2009.
- « Protéger sa marque », published by Groupe Revue Fiduciaire in 2023
- Podcast « #11 intellectual property rights » (in French), from the Juritools program, by the Groupe Revue Fiduciaire, online since March 9, 2023.
- Podcast « #10 Website creation » (in French), from the Juritools program, by the Groupe Revue Fiduciaire, online since March 2, 2023.
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine et des marques sur Internet », article by Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS and published in Propriété industrielle, No. 6 of June 2022, annual comment based on the analysis of 45 decisions rendered in 2021. The first comment was published in 2009.
- Podcast « #9 How to protect your trademark on the Internet and abroad? » (in French), from the Juritools program, by the Groupe Revue Fiduciaire, online since May 25, 2022.
- Podcast « #8 How to choose your trademark? » (in French), from the Juritools program, by the Groupe Revue Fiduciaire, online since May 18, 2022.
- Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS contributed to the 2022 update of the publication « Maîtriser le RGPD dans l’entreprise » published by the Groupe Revue Fiduciaire in its collection « Pratiques d’expert ».
- Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS contributed to the 2021 update of the publication « Maîtriser le RGPD dans l’entreprise » edited by the Groupe Revue Fiduciaire in its collection « Pratiques d’expert ».
- Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS was invited by the Paris Court of Appeal, to contribute to the presentation of the activity of the 3rd chamber of the Paris Judicial Tribunal, with a comment of the judgment rendered by this Chamber on February 26, 2021 on prohibition measures (TJ Paris, Feb. 26, 2021, RG 17/10284). It was published in La Semaine Juridique (Lexis Nexis) a 42 of October 18, 2021.
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine et des marques sur Internet », article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2021 – Annual comment based on the analysis of 44 decisions rendered in 2020. The first comment was published in 2009.
- « Domains and Domain Names 2021 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through*
- « Domains and Domain Names 2020 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through*
- Update of « Défendre sa marque » published in March 2020 by La Revue Fiduciaire.
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine et des marques sur Internet », article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2020 – Annual comment based on the analysis of 56 decisions rendered in 2019. The first comment was published in 2009.
- « Le nouveau droit des marques » published on January 23, 2020 in the Law review La Revue Fiduciaire (No3826, page 10). This article is dedicated to the new French trademark Law, as a result of the transposition of the EU Directive 2015/2436 of December 16, 2015.
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine et des marques sur Internet », article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2019 – Annual comment based on the analysis of 77 decisions rendered in 2018.
- « Domains and Domain Names 2019 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through*
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine », article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2018 – Annual comment based on the analysis of 92 decisions rendered in 2017.
- « Domains and Domain Names 2018 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through*.
- « Advertising and Marketing 2017 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through.
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine », article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2017 – Annual comment based on the analysis of 70 decisions rendered in 2016.
- « Domains and Domain Names 2017 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through*
- Interview published on the French Trademark Office’s website : «Brands in the digital economy: protection and usage » (December 2016)
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine », article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2016 – Annual comment illustrated by 59 decisions rendered in 2015.
- « Domains and Domain Names 2016 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through**
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine », article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2015 – Annual comment illustrated by 37 decisions rendered in 2014, presented in table form. These tables are available here and are from this article.
- « Domains and Domain Names 2015 » France, published in Getting the Deal Through***
- « Brands in the Digital economy », written by Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS and published in the INPI publication « The intellectual property and the digital transformation of the economy » prefaced by Axelle Lemaire France’s Secretary of State for Digital (2016)
- « Google: a battle of words » by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas and Dr Tobias-Malte Muller in the publication Trademarks & Brands Online – december 2014.
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine » article published by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas in Propriété Industrielle, N°6 – June 2014 – Annual comment illustrated by sixty decisions rendered in 2013, presented in table form
- « Domains and Domain Names 2014 »: France, published in Getting the Deal Through****
- Monthly columns on .EU domain names disputes published in Propriété Industrielle, in 2013 and 2014
- « ECTA Law Book X Domain Names » about .EU domain names, overview of the ADR decisions rendered between June 2007 and June 2013
- « Un an de droit français des noms de domaine », article published in Propriété Intellectuelle (May 2013, n°5, Chronique « Un an de … »)
- « Adwords : le débat n’est pas clos », article published in Propriété Intellectuelle (n°47 April 2013)
- « Comparaison marques et noms de domaine » written in 2012 and published on the information portal « Lexis 360 » edited by Lexis Nexis, updated in 2013 and 2014 Nexis
* Accreditation
** Accreditation
*** Accreditation
**** Accreditation
- 2023/06/28 to 2023/07/01: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS will attend the 41 th annual conference of ECTA (European Communities Trademark Association), which will take place in Prague.
- 2023/06/06: Annual dinner of the AFNIC (Association française pour le nommage Internet en cooperation).
- 2023/02/10: training at the IEEPI (European Institute of Enterprise and Intellectual Property) in Paris « Maîtriser les contrats marques ».
- 2022/12/12: training at the IEEPI (European Institute of Enterprise and Intellectual Property) in Paris « Maîtriser les contrats marques ».
- 2022/10/07: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS took part in the meeting of panelists and experts of the Czech Court
of Arbitration in Prague. She gave a presentation on the proposal for a European regulation on geographical indications for craft and industrial products (COM(2022) 174 final) and its impact on domain names. - 2022/06/15 to 2022/06/18: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS took part in the 40th annual conference of ECTA(European Communities Trademark Association), held in Copenhagen. She presented the proposal for a European regulation on geographical indications for craft and industrial products (COM(2022) 174 final) at the meeting of the Committee on Geographical Indications.
- 2021/10/05: training at the IEEPI (European Institute of Enterprise and Intellectual Property) in Paris « Maîtriser les contrats marques ».
- 22021/09/24: APRAM Conference « Après 25 ans d’Internet : une régulation est-elle possible ? DSA – DMA : mirage ou réponse ? » Session co-chaired by Marie-Emmanuelle Haas, Cabinet ME HAAS and Franck Caso, Cabinet In Concreto.
- 2021/09/16: meeting of the APRAM committee “arbitrage et procédures extra-judiciaires” on the topic “Modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits de l’EUIPO”, with the presentation of the EUIPO ADR service by Kirsten BAUCH, head of the EUIPO ADR service, Natalia KAPATAKANI, IP administrator in the Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (ADRS), EUIPO Boards of Appeal and a mediator and Virginia MELGAR, president of the 5° board of appeal and a mediator.
- 2021/05/07: training organized by the Annecy Bar Association, in collaboration with Claudine SALOMON in Annecy, « Trademark law and domain names ».
- 2021/02/11: training at the IEEPI (European Institute of Enterprise and Intellectual Property) in Paris « Maîtriser les contrats marques ».
- 2020/09/14: speaker at the « Summer School on European Information Technology Law » launched by ERA (Academy of European Law) in Trier, Germany, on « Domain names and online trademarks protection ».
- 2019/06/13: speaker at the annual conference of NDD CAMP (gathering of tradermarks experts) on « Domains names confronted to French Courts »
- Interview in French Trademark Office’s website: “Brands in the digital economy: protection and usage“
- 2019/02/14: training with the University-Lorraine in Nancy on trademarks and domain names/social networks – Intellectual Property University degree (DU).
- 2018/11/22: training at the IEEPI in Paris, « Maîtriser les contrats marques ».
- 2018/10/08: participation at the WIPO domain names experts meeting at WIPO in Geneva.
- 2018/04/12: training at the IRPI (Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle) in Paris: « Le nom de domaine au service de l’entreprise » (The Domain Name to help the business).
- 2017/11/24: training at the IEEPI in Paris, « Maîtriser les contrats marques ».
- 02/10/2017 to 03/10/2017: speaker at the conference dedicated to dotBrands in The Hague : “How does a dotBrand impact organisations’ brand protection strategy?”
- 18/09/2017: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS will attend the 2017 Panelists meeting which will take place in Prague. She will speak on “Bad faith Assessment in .EU based on 2 years non use”.
- 2017/06/28 to 2017/07/01: participation at the ECTA 36th annual conference in Budapest (Hungary).
- 2017/05/20 to 2017/05/24: participation at the INTA 139th annual meeting in Barcelona (Spain).
- 2017/03/22: training at the IRPI in Paris: “Le nom de domaine au service de l’entreprise“.
- 2017/01/24: speaker on “evaluation and perspectives of the URS (Uniform Rapid Suspension System)” at the workshop organized by “Le Club des noms de domaine“.
- 2016/12/01: speaker at the conference dedicated to Dot Brands in Valencia: “Legal issues about your .brand, a tool for increasing confidence and visibility“.
- 2016/11/25: training at the IEEPI in Paris: “Maîtriser les contrats marques“.
- 2016/10/12 to 2016/10/15: participation at the annual meeting of the GRUR (Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht), in Munich.
- 2016/09/23: participation at the WIPO domain names experts meeting at WIPO in Geneva.
- 2016/01/07: presiding the conference session APRAM/MEDEF on “Trademarks and Digital” at MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprises de France), on Paris. APRAM is the French Association of Practitioners and Design Trademark Law.
- 2016/06/21 to 2016/06/25: participation as Chair of the Internet at the ECTA annual meeting in Dubrovnik (Croatia).
- 2016/05/31: workshop on Intellectual Property in the Digital world at Paris Pionnières, Incubator partner of the “Paris French Tech Ticket”.
- 2016/05/21 to 2016/05/25: attending the INTA 138th congress in Orlando (FL, USA).
- 2016/05/12 and 2016/05/13: attending the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Max Planck Institute.
- 2016/03/03: training with the University-Lorraine in Nancy on trademarks and domain names/social networks – Intellectual Property University degree (DU).
- 2015/11/03: training with Intellectual Property Research Institute (IRPI) on the theme “Le nom de domaine au service de l’entreprise” (The Domain Name to help the business).
- 2015/10/18 to 2015/10/22: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS attended the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 54 meeting, which took place in Dublin, Ireland. During this conference, she attended the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) meeting, representing ECTA.
https://www.icann.org - 2015/10/15 to 2015/10/17: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS attended the autumn meeting organized by the ECTA (European Communities Trademark Association), which took place in Lisbon (Portugal). As chairman of the ECTA Internet committee, she organized the Internet Committee meeting.
http://www.ecta.org - 2015/09/25: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS attended the 2015 Panellists meeting which took place in Prag. She spoke on French Domain Name Law.
- 2015/06/10 to 2015/06/13: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS attended the 34th annual Conference organized by ECTA (European Communities Trademark Association), which took place in Hamburg (Germany). As chairman of the ECTA Internet committee, she organized and moderated the session on domain names. This session raised the issue of brands positioning about new extensions like .brand where this article sums up the issues.
- 2015/05/22: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS attended the Conference on IP Dispute Resolution in Life Sciences, coordinated by the World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center, which took place in Basel, Switzerland.
http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/events/workshops/2015/basel - 2015/05/02 to 2015/05/06: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS attended the INTA 137th congress, which took place in San Diego (CA, USA).
- 2015/04/29 to 2015/05/01: Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS attended the IACC annual conference, which took place in San Diego, (CA, USA). The IACC is the first non-profit organization promoting anti-counterfeiting action. Its annual conference gathers the international experts in the IP field.
http://www.iacc.org - 2014/06/17 to 2014/06/20: participation of Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS as Chair of the Internet committee at the ECTA annual meeting in Alicante
- 2014/05/14: speaker at the conference « Domain names and DNS, comparative, institutional perspectives and recent developments in the DNS governance » , on « the French Perspective ». This conference is organized by the Centre for Financial and Economic Development (CFRED).
Hong Kong International Arbitration Center
» program - 2014/04/01: a talk by Marie-Emmanuelle HAAS on French jurisprudence relating to Domain names and Ad words during « Lights on Paris: Intellectual Property and cultural policies in the digital Age », organised in Paris by the American association “California Lawyers for the Arts”
- IP SUMMIT 2013, in Paris, workshop moderator « Marques et Internet » (Brands and the Internet) with Google, Richemont and Erik Barnett
- Training with the Intellectual Property Research Institute (IRPI) on the theme « Le nom de domaine au service de l’entreprise » (The Domain Name to help the business)
- 4 October 2013: Leading workshops for business entrepreneurs